What it takes to become a professional MMA fighter

(Image via https://twitter.com/Mustio19)

Not everyone has it in them to become a professional MMA fighter. They’re a special breed. Some failed fighters eventually go on to become referees, while others might give up on the sport altogether. For the ones that succeed, though, they get there through not only having the skill required but also a variety of other ingredients which the top professionals seem to have.

When assessing some fighters’ careers over the years, it has been clear to see who is solely dedicated to the sport and others who are perhaps there for the fame. In the end, the fighters with the latter mentality tend to get found out. For anyone to step into the Octagon, though, they must have had extreme dedication and commitment to the cause at some point.

Most fighters are masters of their craft and live and breathe MMA, but it’s the special talents that tend to dominate the headlines and win the support of the fans in the MMA betting stakes. Overall, though, all professional MMA fighters have had similar paths to success and have certain attributes which separate them out from the ones who don’t quite make it, both physically and mentally. Below is a look at some of those traits.

Physical toughness

It’s an obvious one, but first and foremost, to become an MMA fighter, you need to have the right body to do so. Not only does the sport require great mental strength, but it also puts huge strain on your joints, ligaments and muscles. The training is intense, and the fight camps can really take their toll on your body. It’s therefore essential that the body is in pristine condition and in full working order, especially at the beginning of a career. As fighters gain more experience, it’s inevitable that their body might suffer with it, but many of them manage specific injuries. It’s all about knowing your body and its limits.

Mental toughness

You can have devastating kicks and big bulging muscles, but if you don’t have the mental toughness required to succeed, then you’ll get nowhere in the sport. Heart, drive, determination, work ethic and a fearless attitude are just some the ingredients needed to succeed in what is one of the toughest and most brutal sports around. You also have to be comfortable with feeling pain and enjoy physical exhaustion.


(Image via https://twitter.com/MMAunvrz)

We’ve touched on this already, but some fighters fall off and lose focus. It was obviously there at one point for them to reach the highest level in the first place, but maintaining that hunger to succeed and sacrifice nights out and partying in order to improve your fight game is essential. Put simply, up and coming fighters need to put their life goals on hold in order to fully pursue their passion for MMA. It can be tough, but it really is the difference between success and failure.


Most people wouldn’t associate intelligence with MMA fighters, but the sport can be complicated, especially if you’re learning new techniques in order to become a more well-rounded fighter. After all, each fighter you face will have different skillsets too, therefore making it vitally important to be able to recognise those differences and make adjustments accordingly. If you fail to adapt, then you’ll struggle.


Without the right people around you, it’s incredibly difficult to make it as an MMA fighter. There’s a reason why most winners thank their team, friends and family. Without them, success might not have happened at all. Whether it’s through dedicated coaches, a patient lover or a training partner who puts you through your paces, the network around a fighter is crucial.

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