The Commonalities Between Combat Sports and Poker

When you think of combat sport, the mind does not immediately jump to the game of poker. However, these two sports have more in common than you might at first think. MMA, boxing, and other forms of martial arts all require extreme levels of intuition and concentration, as does poker and this guide is going to go into further detail about how the two are more comparable than they first seem.

Combat Sports: An Overview

Combat sports are loosely defined as those that require contact between the participants. It is fighting based activity such as boxing, kickboxing, and MMA. There is usually a point scoring objective in order to ‘win’ a match.  

Poker: An Overview

Poker is a game of chance, concentration, and strategy. It is played with a deck of cards and a group of players (or one player against a computer). Guesses are made about which player has been dealt the ‘best’ deck of cards, something which is decided by specific game rules.

So you see, the two could not be further apart in terms of purpose and function. Why, then, are they being compared in this guide? To show how even though they may seem at opposite ends of the sporting spectrum, the fundamentals are not all that different.

Online Casino Play

Poker can be played in person or online. In person, it is typical to have a group of people to play with, usually around four or more. Online, you can play against a computer and therefore get rid of the need for gathering a social group. Lots of games exist on these platforms, but poker reigns far supreme as the most popular alongside slot based activities. Online casinos are more convenient than in person casinos; it’s easy to pay through lots of methods with Paypal being one of the biggest ones, and it has a much bigger entertainment factor.

The Factors

Now the basics have been covered, it is time to move on to the core of the discussion. Keep reading to see the common factors between contact sport and poker.

Factor One: Mental Sharpness

Each arena requires a high degree of mental sharpness. Concentration and strategy are at the forefront of every single contestant’s move and approach. In contact sports, you have to predict what your opponent might try next and the same is true of poker. Being able to do this requires whoever is participating to be switched completely on, as there is just no room for mistakes. Losing that focus for even five seconds can cost a match in both arenas.

Factor Two: Staying for the Duration

There are no set rules when it comes to rounds and length of match in lots of contact sports, and poker is similar in that respect too. Therefore, the ability to go the distance and stick things out is a key requirement of any sportsman or poker participant. Though the strength training for each element obviously has very stark contrasts, the ability to stay focused, think, and be on your toes for potentially long amounts of time is consistent between the two.

Factor Three: Patience is Key

Mindfulness practice is a simple yet essential consideration for contact sports. Aside from the duration of a match, the mental toll that this activity can take on the individual is immeasurable. It is expected therefore that the competitors have strong patience capacity. Success is contingent upon a solid strategy and a perfect execution of said strategy. If plans are rushed and not carefully considered, everything can go wrong quickly.

Likewise, games like poker dictate an almost intransient level of patience while waiting; for example, for other players to make their move while thinking through potential win strategies and to keep that vital ‘poker face’ on the go for the duration of the game.

Factor Four: The Infamous Poker Face

When playing poker, everyone knows you need a poker face. This is the act of creating a facial expression that betrays nothing and portrays no emotion whatsoever in order to deter other players from guessing your next move or intention. Some people have this skill perfected, and others’ facades slip from time to time, consequently betraying them. In terms of combat sports, a similar ethos can be applied. Not only is it necessary to never show your opponent what you are thinking, but it is also essential to not display an emotional response and give away your position. If weakness in any form comes across, then you are immediately on the back foot and risk compromising the success of the match.

Factor Five: Understanding Your Limits

The final point centers around understanding your personal limitations throughout the duration of a match or a game. It is vital to know yourself in these arenas. Combat sports are tough on the mind and they are tough on the body. They require a honed level of strength, intelligence, durability, and disciple to successfully navigate this world. This is not for the weak minded. You will have to train day in, day out. It can be a recreational hobby but in order to step foot in the professional world and compete on this level, it is a lifestyle choice above anything else.

Poker, in perhaps a different way, demands much the same. Though there is no physical strength involved, that being the key differentiation involved, the mental agility and demand are extremely similar. Professional poker players can play matches that last hours and hours. If you don’t train, you won’t succeed. It is that black and white.


There you have it! The similar requirements in both personality and temperament across the board are undeniable. Arguably, the most important thing to have is patience. Patience can be taught but it is also an innate trait that lots of people fail to master. Poker, much like combat sport, especially in the context of a competitive and professional arena, is extremely demanding. All in all, the two are, on paper, trained for and played with similar mental tactics. There is, of course, an undeniable difference in the physical aspects that is to be noted.

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